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Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS


Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS

Past Events

Organiser: HEROES Consortium Partners

Topic: Main results developed by the project.

7 - 8 November de 2024.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: overview of the HEROES project main results.

16 October 2024.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: HEROES, ALUNA, CESAGRAM, Sparks in the Dark and Spanish National Police.

Topic: Prevention and Investigation Strategies to Combat Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.

19 - 20 June 2024.

Ávila, Spain.

Organiser: European Society of Criminoly.

Topic: The renaissance of European criminology.

6 - 9 September 2023.

Florence, Italy.

Organiser: Centre of Migration Research (CMR), Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences (CESS), University of Warsaw.

Topic: Migration and inequalities. In search of answers and solutions.

3 - 6 July 2023.

Warsaw, Poland.

Organiser: Hellenic Ministry of National Defence, ROTA Exhibitions Greece.

Topic: Land, naval, aerospace, national and cyber security defence systems.

9 - 11 May 2023.

Athens, Greece.

Organiser: The Alan Turing Institute.

Topic: How data science and AI can be used to solve real-world challenges.

21 - 22 March 2023.

London, England.

Organiser: Renacer Foundation.

Topic: At the Carnival of Barranquilla, together we prevent human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

18 - 21 February 2023.

Barranquilla, Colombia.

Organiser: Faustino Martínez Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid.

Topic: Promote individual autonomy so that, in a constructive and inclusive way, one can improve one's own destiny and that of society in general.

2 - 4 November 2022.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: Consejería de Igualdad y Portavoz

Topic: Gender violence

3 November 2022.

Toledo, Spain.

Organiser: Polytechnic university of Valencia, University of the Basque Country.

Topic: Study of the evolution of human Genetics and Biotechnology and its ethical and legal implications.

2 - 3 November 2022.

Bilbao, Spain.

Organiser: Research Project «Transnational Organized Crime and Multinational Companies in the face of violations of Human Rights».

Topic: New challenges for Economic Criminal Law: them Organized crime and multinational companies in the face of Human Rights violations.

20 - 21 October 2022.

Salamanca, Spain.

Organiser: European Society of Criminology and Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology.

Topic: Challenges and opportunities in a virtually and physically connected Europe: The nee for criminology.

21 - 24 September 2022.

Malaga, Spain.

Organiser: CC-DRIVER and CYBERSPACE projects

Topic: The current EU cybercrime landscape

20 September 2022


Organiser: DG HOME & REA C2.

Topic: Improving interaction between research and policy.

30th June - 1st July 2022.

Brussels, Belgium.

Organiser: Council of Europe.

Topic: Policing in digital age, how new technologies can help better policing our modern societies.

28 - 29 June 2022.

France, Strasbourg.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: Work packages progress review.

08 - 10 June 2022.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: Kick-off Meeting.

15 - 16 December 2021.

Remote Connection.

Past Events

Organiser: HEROES Consortium Partners

Topic: Main results developed by the project.

7 - 8 November de 2024.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: overview of the HEROES project main results.

16 October 2024.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: HEROES, ALUNA, CESAGRAM, Sparks in the Dark and Spanish National Police.

Topic: Prevention and Investigation Strategies to Combat Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.

19 - 20 June 2024.

Ávila, Spain.

Organiser: European Society of Criminoly.

Topic: The renaissance of European criminology

6 - 9 September 2023.

Florence, Italy.

Organiser: Centre of Migration Research (CMR), Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences (CESS), University of Warsaw.

Topic: Migration and inequalities. In search of answers and solutions.

3 - 6 July 2023.

Warsaw, Poland.

Organiser: Hellenic Ministry of National Defence, ROTA Exhibitions Greece.

Topic: Land, naval, aerospace, national and cyber security defence systems.

9 - 11 May 2023.

Athens, Greece.

Organiser: The Alan Turing Institute.

Topic: How data science and AI can be used to solve real-world challenges.

21 - 22 March 2023.

London, England.

Organiser: Renacer Foundation.

Topic: At the Carnival of Barranquilla, together we prevent human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

18 - 21 February 2023.

Barranquilla, Colombia.

Organiser: Faustino Martínez Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid.

Topic: Promote individual autonomy so that, in a constructive and inclusive way, one can improve one's own destiny and that of society in general.

2 - 4 November 2022.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: Consejería de Igualdad y Portavoz

Topic: Gender violence

3 November 2022.

Toledo, Spain.

Organiser: Polytechnic university of Valencia, University of the Basque Country.

Topic: Study of the evolution of human Genetics and Biotechnology and its ethical and legal implications.

2 - 3 November 2022.

Bilbao, Spain.

Organiser: Research Project «Transnational Organized Crime and Multinational Companies in the face of violations of Human Rights».

Topic: New challenges for Economic Criminal Law: them Organized crime and multinational companies in the face of Human Rights violations.

20 - 21 October 2022.

Salamanca, Spain.

Organiser: European Society of Criminology and Andalusian Interuniversity Institute of Criminology.

Topic: Challenges and opportunities in a virtually and physically connected Europe: The nee for criminology.

21 - 24 September 2022.

Malaga, Spain.

Organiser: CC-DRIVER and CYBERSPACE projects

Topic: The current EU cybercrime landscape

20 September 2022


Organiser: DG HOME & REA C2.

Topic: Improving interaction between research and policy.

30th June - 1st July 2022.

Brussels, Belgium.

Organiser: Council of Europe.

Topic: Policing in digital age, how new technologies can help better policing our modern societies.

28 - 29 June 2022.

France, Strasbourg.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: Work packages progress review.

08 - 10 June 2022.

Madrid, Spain.

Organiser: UCM.

Topic: Kick-off Meeting.

15 - 16 December 2021.

Remote Connection.