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Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS


Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS

Work Plan

Project management and coordination

This WP runs all along the project lifetime, to ensure a successful completion of the project goals on time, within budget and with quality standards.

Best-practices specifications, requirements and use cases definition

This WP aims to provide an overview and status quo assessment of the mechanisms used by the multi-stakeholder to prevent, investigate and mitigate THB and CSA/CSE investigations gathering and presenting relevant best practices that could be integrated into a Common European Framework governing this field.

Privacy, ethical data management and social impact assessment

Ensure that the developed platform and analytics tools comply with the European societal values, fundamental rights and applicable legislation including the privacy and protection of personal data.

Social and legal context understanding of THB and CSA/CSE crimes

WP4 supports the development of strategies and tools within HEROES by laying down and operationalising the social and legal contexts for addressing THB and CSA/CSE crimes in countries under research.

Multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary strategies to improve and reinforce prevention programs

This WP is executed as an accompaniment throughout the project to create strategic lines of prevention and detection of cases and victims of THB, CSA/CSE

Strategies and tools to strengthen the investigation and prosecutions processes and enhance multi-stakeholder cooperation

The aim of this WP is to use the latest state-of-the-art to develop a set of tools to reinforce the LEAs research filter THB and CSAM/CSEM.

Multi-disciplinary victims assistance strategies to avoid victim’s re-victimisation

The main objective of WP7 is to develop a toolkit for the comprehensive care of victims of THB and CSA/CSE

Methodologies and techniques to data extraction, storage and analysis

Addressing the needs and methodologies, WP8 will develop techniques tools dedicated to the collection of digital evidence from different sources

Test cases implementation and validation

HEROES’ tools and outcomes be validated through a number of pilot-cases which will be conducted at EU and Latin-American LEAs level to assess the developed technologies in real environment.

Dissemination, communication and exploitation

This WP will be carried out throughout the project life time

Ethics requirements

The objective is to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements set out in this work package.

Work Plan

Project management and coordination

This WP runs all along the project lifetime, to ensure a successful completion of the project goals on time, within budget and with quality standards.

Best-practices specifications, requirements and use cases definition

This WP aims to provide an overview and status quo assessment of the mechanisms used by the multi-stakeholder to prevent, investigate and mitigate THB and CSA/CSE investigations gathering and presenting relevant best practices that could be integrated into a Common European Framework governing this field.

Privacy, ethical data management and social impact assessment

Ensure that the platform and analytics tools developed comply to European societal values, fundamental rights and applicable legislation including the privacy and protection of personal data.

Social and legal context understanding of THB and CSA/CSE crimes

WP4 supports the development of strategies and tools within HEROES by laying down and operationalising the social and legal contexts for addressing THB and CSA/CSE crimes in countries under research.

Multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary strategies to improve and reinforce prevention programs

This WP is executed as an accompaniment throughout the project to create strategic lines of prevention and detection of cases and victims of THB, CSA/CSE

Strategies and tools to strengthen the investigation and prosecutions processes and enhance multi-stakeholder cooperation

The aim of this WP is to use the latest state-of-the-art to develop a set of tools to reinforce the LEAs research filter THB and CSAM/CSEM.

Multi-disciplinary victims assistance strategies to avoid victim’s re-victimisation

The main objective of WP7 is to develop a toolkit for the comprehensive care of victims of THB and CSA/CSE

Methodologies and techniques to data extraction, storage and analysis

Addressing the needs and methodologies, WP8 will develop techniques tools dedicated to the collection of digital evidence from different sources

Test cases implementation and validation

HEROES’ tools and outcomes be validated through a number of pilot-cases which will be conducted at EU and Latin-American LEAs level to assess the developed technologies in real environment

Dissemination, communication and exploitation

This WP will be carried out throughout the project life time

Ethics requirements

The objective is to ensure compliance with the ethics requirements set out in this work package.